
communication reliability中文什么意思

发音:   用"communication reliability"造句
  • 通信可靠度
  • communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2 ...
  • reliability:    n. 可靠性,安全性,确实(性)。
  • reliability reliability theory:    设备的可靠性与可靠度
  • be in communication with:    与...通讯, 与...保持联系
  • communication:    n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2.传达,传授;传播;传染。 3.交通,交通机关;联系,连络(设备)。 4.【宗教】接受圣餐。 a means of communication交通工具。 communication equipment 通讯设备。 cut off communication 切断连络[通讯]。 have no communication with 与…无联系[不通信息]。 in communication with 与…连络[通信息]。 privileged communication 【法律】 1. 法律准许不外泄的内情。 2. 法律准许作为证词而提供的内情〔不构成诽谤罪等〕。
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Can fieldbus is adopted in the communication between pc and single chip computer to improve the communication reliability and speediness
  2. The manchester decoder with the style of pre - testing and pre - revising can enhance greatly the communication reliability , save efficiently the limited system hardware resources and promote remarkably the system speed
  3. It can be used on the occasion of data transmission rate moderate , communication reliability demand high , such as power network automation distribution network automation and remote automatic metering system and so on
  4. The main work of this paper is focused on the design of the latter ip module . in reader software ip design , the method of crc was used to ensure the communication reliability between the reader and responder . and the des encryption is applied to security communication
  5. Now usb is applied abroadly because it has merits of simple installation , good anti _ interference , etc . this design was on usb bus , made use of merits of can and usb , furthermore many measures had been taken to guarantee the communication reliability
    现在usb总线因为其安装简便,支持热插拔,抗干扰能力强等优点得到广泛的应用。本通信控制器的设计就是基于usb接口的,利用两种总线( can 、 usb )的优点,并采取多种抗干扰措施保障数据通信的安全高效。




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